
Welcome, Dear Visitor!

Fah Pah Electronics Co., Ltd. is a distribution and electronic research design house based in Bangkok Thailand, with specialized skills in developing “Machine to Machine” communications devices, UAV’s and drones

We are BOI (Board of Investment, Thailand) certified for Hardware Prototype Design and Software Design

ISO/IEC 29110

We are ISO 29110 (Software Engineering) Certified

Our skilled engineering team can help you choose the right components for your designs, assist in circuit and p.c. board design as  well as delivering a finished product based on your specifications

We have dedicated team of specialists with a combined experience of over 30 years in the design & manufacture of RF & micro controller based electronics ready to assist you from your component selection up to final product realization

With services like PCB design, sourcing and engineering support, we can assist you all the way from product selection up to final built product

Please contact us and our team will be glad to assist you in your design needs
